Wisconsin's New Sustainability Lawn Care Friends

Toil Land Care


Toil Land Care LLC offers targeted grazing to aid in the reduction of invasive, nuisance, and unwanted vegetation. This process involves a herd of goats, contained within a pulsing electrical fence, which consumes all available foliage, inhibiting the plants ability to photosynthesize. This forces the plant to use its stored energy contained in it roots to re-leaf. This leaves the plant open for weather conditions, seasonal shifts, insects, pathogens, or other animals to cause further disruption in its growing pattern. This also provides a cleared area for further stem removal of the target species.


Acres Completed by Goat

Acres Completed by Hand

Stars of the Crew


The moral support of the goat herd


The eater of the goat pack



The matriarch of the goat herd, one of Ryan’s personal favorites


Ryan Sneath

Ryan Sneath, the owner\operator of Toil Land Care has been within the driftless region for most of his life. Through growing up within the landscapes that surround the area he has spent a great deal of time learning about and growing an appreciation for what it contains. Working and volunteering in different avenues of conservation, from building boardwalks with WisCorps to trail building with the National Park Service, Ryan has amassed a set of skills that makes him fit to find a solution to any land care hope or need.